Saturday 4 February 2012

First Day with Ubuntu 11.10


My name is Anthony Michael Adorno. I'm an average eighteen year old loser. My father gave me his old laptop as a loaner and it has Windows Vista on it. I didn't like this, at all. It was slow, the wireless drivers sucked and I couldn't do any work on it because it just snailed along this way and that. Depressing stuff, I swear it. I needed a solution. Ubuntu 11.10. It worked, the laptop is literally reborn. It's like I breathed some life into this thing with my old U11.10 CD. I'm very pleased with the results.

Then I hit a brick wall.

After all the updates, my drivers for the wireless network were all screwy. I needed the right ones installed and they were just not being very cooperative.

Enter the Terminal.

I opened up the terminal and first checked if the wireless connection was blocked. To open the terminal, you want to key stroke Ctrl+Alt+T. Once that terminal is up, run this check.

$ rfkill list

The response was no to both the hard and soft block. So I had to dive deeper into the problem. This is where (the best search engine in my opinion) came into the picture. By searching known issues with my wireless card and Ubuntu 11.10 I found that having the wrong drivers installed was a pretty common thing for some issue. I had to fix that.

First, I had to get the correct driver, install it, then remove the wrong one. After that, a quick reboot and the problem was solved. If you have a Broadcom BCM4311 Wireless Card, this could very well fix the problem.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer
$ sudo apt-get remove bcmwl-kernel-source
$ sudo reboot

The whole process takes about ten minutes to complete, and I don't think it took me more than five. As I explore this OS more I'll update the blog.

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